Why do we actually have it?

Money is not only a thing with a price tag on it. We actually need money to survive our day. To have some clothes. So we don’t get hypothermia, to survive the day with food and drinks that we need to get hydrated. It’s just very important for everybody that cares about their life’s.
Some people think that money can make people happier or make them a better person that they actually are. But this is totally not true because you need to make yourself a better person without showing your money that you’ve got in your pocket.

The thing that you don’t actually need is money. It’s love you need from other people to be happier and be a better person for yourself. But the important thing that you need to know is that you need to succeed in things before you get love from other persons. So you can make your surroundings better and much more comfortable. Also your neighbors would be much friendlier to you because they saw you can be a better person without caring about your money.
Try to make yourself happy without money so you can se that you can live without so much cash in your pocket.

How to spend your money?

Remember 1 thing: Only spend it on things that you think is much important for you and needy to have it to survive your daily lifestyle. Don’t spend it on expensive items that you just wane buy because you want to have it. To show it to outside world because you wane be like the others you know. It’s totally not important what other people think about your lifestyle; It’s just very important that you can be yourself and you don’t need to change your lifestyle.

Spending money is not the easiest part you need to do in your daily lifestyle. It’s very hard to spend your money on the right things you need to survive your day. Off course we like to spend much money on things we don’t even need to get them inside. But remember what I said earlier: just spend your money on things you really need. not on things to show it to someone to try to get in that specific group of peoples.

When we look in the future how much money we are going to spend to get a good and lux life. We have to carry about our money in the post. I talk about: A house, loans, a car, Kids and so many other things were we have to spend it on. Off course, you have to enjoy your past but don’t think you can give your money on whatever you want because what I said earlier. You need it in your future.

Where is it totally needy to spend it?

The thing what’s very important to spend your money on it is food and drinks, things what you need to survive the day and get some energy to do something healthy in your daily routine. If you wane read something to get healthier. Read is here. But also you can save some money on food and drinks. Some example:
-Don’t buy food with a famous brand.
-Buy food with the same structure and quality but with a less known brand.
-Buy as much as you can for more days, because there is more chance to get discount when you buy many products.

In the past we have to care about our money. So we will get a better future. If we spend our money on much cheaper things. Our future will be a lot prettier and our kids will get a better past to if we gave them this good advice to save your money for needy things.

Tips and tricks!

Minimize your expenses: What I really mean is don’t take too much money with you. What you can do is just take 10 euros with you and that’s the total of money that you are going to spend. For whole the day, night or evening. And 1 tip: don’t go to a bank and get more cash because that’s not the thing where you are dealing with.

Spend it on useful things you need: Don’t buy things that is totally not useful. What i mean is don’t buy clothes or something in that nature what is totally not useful to buy it. You only need to buy clothes when is totally needy to buy it because you don’t have enough clothes to put on. Some people buy expensive clothes because their group of friends got it to. So you also buy it to fit in the group but that’s not important. You have to save your money so you can buy it in the future whenever you want.

Stay home: The simple thing that you can do to spend money in the outside life is just stay home. Understand how expensive the outside life is. If you just stay inside you can call with friends. Play some games together to be more competitive.

Making money.

Money do we need to buy our necessities to survive our day. But nothing is for free. So we need to work for it, we need to make money to buy these things.
If you wane make money and you wane be rich you need to work for it. There are so many ways to make some money but every person is different. Every person got other qualitys where they can make money with. The smartest thing is that you can work with things that you like. Where you know so much about that you maybe can sell product to your clients so you can make degit from your bank higher and higher.

You don’t need to sell products to get famous, you can also go online. To animate some people who you wane animate. Just get famous on your own way. Wich way you wane do.


How you can make it.

You can work for yourself but you can also work for a company but that’s your own choice. You are choosing your own way of working. Of course. You can’t do every job you want to make it. You have to study to eventually make money with the job you want to do. But remember: Just exercise a job that you think you are going to like.