For some people having a vision is so logical to have but some people don’t have a vision or aren’t working towards it. There is a small percentage that are working towards their goals and are actually believing in themselves to not give up. That small percentage are now making a living of the things they wished to do.

Today I’m going to try teach why you should have a vision and why you should be working to creating a reality from that dream. Even if you don’t have a vision already that doesn’t matter because I’m going to motivate you to looking for one.

What is a vison?

A vision can of course have a slightly different meaning for anyone. For most people is a vision something they want to become or want to do with their life. A vision can be like playing in the Olympics or becoming a world boxing champion while for others it may be to work in a specific industry.

We are human and in many ways we difference each other from one another. This makes it only logical to have a different vision as your friends and family. For someone else your dream may sound dumb or they maybe don’t get why you are even dreaming of that but it’s also possible the other way around.


What if I don’t have a vision?

Does it matter if you don’t already have a vision? No, of course not but I’ll ask of you to think of something you would really like to do. Just for an example you will think of this way.

If you just think about this way for an example you will maybe understand the things that I’m saying but still won’t get the feeling I will be explaining.

If you actually want to keep on working for something and be motivated, I suggest you take some time for yourself and just think about it. Write down different things you would like to achieve in your life, try to stay realistic, and debate on which one you want to put more effort in.


Why you should have a vision

Ever wondered how people wake up at 5am every day and how they can start working? It’s because they have a clear vision of where they want to go and what they want to do. If you know what you want, you wake up motivated. Even if you don’t know how to get there, you are motivated to look for answers.

My vision was to help people. It didn’t matter in what way even if I had to go onto the streets and shout my lungs out. I wanted to help people and started looking for answer on how I could reach my voice to hundreds and thousands of people. The logical solution to start with was to put my words online. In the form like a blog and even discuss some of the important subject on the podcast or on a YouTube video.


A vision can decide your life

A vision can change how people look at different things. It can go over things like how we spend time, how we look at people or maybe how we can try and change our own life.

It’s important to know in what different ways a vision could impact your life. There are different ways and some ways of impact will be more clearly than others but they are definitely there.

The way you look at things

While working towards your goal it’s nearly impossible not running into failure. Some people will call it failure and start slowing down, ending with stopping toward your vision. Other people will see it as learning because you’ve just failed at something, look at what went wrong and correct yourself so it won’t happen again.

Important to keep in mind is to not go and look for failure because the only thing you will be finding then is failure. Always look for success and when failures occurs, learn from it.

A more positive mindset

Because you are too busy working on turning that vision into a reality you will have a more positive feeling in general. You feel like actually working towards a dream of yourself and that will give a positive feeling and a feeling of relief.

It’s only logical to be stressing sometimes because you don’t know everything and don’t immediately find a solution but you will always overcome obstacles like this in some way.

How you spend your time

While you have your vision now you will have a big chance of working more than usual. This means you will have to cut some time from other things where you spend your time. This may include you cutting relaxation time or time with your friends.

Recognizing toxic friends can be hard and it could be even harder cutting them from your life. The up side from doing this is that you won’t have any toxic friends trying to stop you from achieving your dreams.


If you have a vision and are working on something with confidence there can be some toxic friends that will try to stop what you are trying to do. Getting rid of toxic people is not only good for your vision but also good for everything else going on in your life.

Creating habits

While getting or having a vision you will maybe get the urge to work more and will find yourself waking up earlier. If at some point you are waking up at 5am starting to work on yourself, that’s a habit you created through your vision and urge to want to work.

Habits can be creating themselves as you want to work more or you will look for different ways how you can work more and efficient. wanne know more about habits, click here.

How can you support

Everyone has their own vision or dream so if you are thinking about supporting a friend or family member on achieving that vision then you must first be very sure on what they want. People can have it differently in their head than how they quickly explained it.

If someone explains to you what they want to achieve they say it to you but they will also hear it out loud. If you are wondering how they want to try and achieve it, just ask. There’s even a chance that the person doesn’t even know how to achieve it. This is the part where you can brainstorm with them on how to get there or give them your quick thinking ideas. This way they maybe learn how to start or get inspired by one of the ideas that came through the brainstorming.

If by any chance you might know someone who is into that kind of busines or knows a lot about it, you can let the 2 get to know each other so they can help each other and talk about the subject. This person could be seen as a mentor towards the person wanting to start something and can use that advice to other people trying to start up a busines.


Business wise

A vision can also change your mind set on how you want work to get done. You will find yourself more motivated to be working towards turning that vision into reality. Through working towards your dreams your way of thinking can also change.

Having a vision is the first step into getting busines done. You won’t get started at some random busines if you don’t like it or if it isn’t your dream to be working in a company like that. So first things first, think about what kind of vision you have.

Going into the busines world can be scary at first but keep in mind that you will get there in your own pace. You can also make use of online mentors or just articles in general about the subject or job that can be useful for you.

When having a vision and talking about it to someone that knows more about the sector can be really informative for yourself. Even talking to someone that doesn’t know anything about it but someone older than you with some experience in other sectors can help. Explaining it to someone out loudly is handy for yourself so you can hear it yourself but you also have another opinion about the subject.


Rich vs. poor

Rich people and poor people have a different way of thinking or a mindset. While working, your mindset will grow more steadily towards the side of the rich people thinking.

If you look at things online on how they explain poor and rich peoples thinking, I think it’s not only important on how to make money. They will explain that poor people are always thinking about the past and rich people are always looking at the future. This isn’t only good for someone’s money but also for good someone’s mental health.